DC Comics launches exclusive 100 pg Giants Walmart inks exclusive deal to sell 100 page Giants by DC Comics
Beginning in July DC Comics and Wal-Mart has inked an exclusive deal to sell four 100 page DC Comics anthology titles each month, featuring both reprints and new content that was previously unavailible. The four titles - Superman Giant, Justice League of America Giant, Batman Giant and Teen Titans Giant. The new material will include a 12-part story by Tom King and a 12-part story by Brian Bendis.
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Batman Giant #1 will feature a new story By Jimmy Palimiotti and Patrick Zircher, One more chance.
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Batman Giant #1 also includes Batman #608 (2002) By Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, Nightwing #1 (2011) By Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows, Harley Quinn #1 By Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.
Credit DC Comics
Superman Giant #1 will again feature the talents of Jimmy Palmiotti this time working with Tom Derenick to bring you chapter one of a two part story Endurance. Also included in this issue will be The Terrifics #1 (2018) By Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis and Joe Prado. Green Lantern #1 (2005) by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver as well as Superman/Batman #1 (2003) byJeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness and Tim Sale.
Credit DC Comics
Teen Titans Giant #1 will feature an original 6-part story by Dan Jurgens with art from Scot Eaton, Wayne Faucher and Jim Charalampidis.
The book will include reprints of Super Sons #1 (2017) by Peter J. Tomasi and Jorge Jimenez, Sideways #1 (2018) by Dan Di Didio, Justin Jordan and Kenneth Rocafort and Teen Titans #1 (2003) by Geoff Johns and Mike McKone.
Credit DC Comics
Justice League of America Giant #1 will feature an all new story starring Wonder Woman, The Conversion, written by Tim Seely with art from Rick Leonardi and Steve Buccellato.
This issue will also feature Justice League #1 (2011) by Geoff Johns, Jim Lee and Scott Williams, Flash #1 (2011) by Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul and Aquaman #1 (2011) by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis and Joe Prado. With books hitting shelves in over 3000 Wal-Mart stores nationwide, we can hope that this deal will bring comics to many casual readers who otherwise would not step into a comics shop.